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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Racial Purity & White Genocide: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Notions of racial purity and racial genocide are very popular themes in white nationalist discourse.  These themes are especially popular in white nationalist rhetoric pertaining to global white nationalist. The white nationalist with a global lens loves to perpetuate ideas of white genocide across the world and thus the end of white racial purity.  White genocide and racial purity are two ideological notions very closely tied to one another, with white racial genocide comes the end of racial purity, the end of white racial purity marks the successful completion of white genocide.
For my research on this topic I went to one of the epicenters of white nationalist rhetoric,, this blog has referenced stormfront in previous posts because it captures the perspectives of many white nationalists.  In regards to white genocide across the world the country of South Africa is a main topic of focus for white nationalists. South Africa is targeted because people of color in South Africa outnumber white people by a large margin(see previous posts).  White nationalists use this supposed genocide in South Africa as a symbol for what is to become of other nations with depleting white majorities.
For anyone who wants to know more about the ongoing genocide against Afrikaners, Boer Farmers, White women and children in South Africa.

Go to

This is the real deal ladies and gentlemen. It is likely to happen to this violent degree in America and Europe if massive immigration isn't squelched. And soon!

See the word document below which contains information on South Africa and the groups they have identified as victims; Whites and women (high rape rate). According to Whites are at a threat level 6 (out of 8) in South Africa. 8 is denial after the fact. This is bad, folks.

And they are getting America and Europe ready for this same treatment with massive illegal immigration, assimilation, and non-White/White intermarriage. These criminals say they promote these Dieversity Programs (genocide) in the name of Humanity. They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

This post represents this perspective from white nationalist attitudes and belief systems. The above post mentions the levels of genocide, stating the South Africa is currently at a level six, on level six is the preparatory stage for the imminent genocide. Level seven is the actual manifestation of said genocide and as the post states level eight is the denial of a genocide ever taking place.  
The above post also references immigration in other countries such as America and European countries as the beginning of racial genocide and therefore the end of racial purity.  The video posted below echo’s these opinions as it discusses how white nations allowing immigration are contributing to the extinction of the white race.
Understanding white nationalist perspectives on racial purity allow observers to understand why white nationalists use “white genocide” as an instrument of fear to legitimize their beliefs and gain followers to their cause.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lit Review: Racial Fault Lines

One of the key issues in the white nationalist imagination  is immigration, immigration for white nationalists represents the end of “whiteness” and the removal of purity from the white bloodstream.  These notions of white supremacy over the racial “other” have roots established centuries ago.  When Europeans traveled this unknown world long ago and began to colonize new lands they set in motion white supremacist attitudes that are still prevalent today.  After first settling in America, settlers began to travel west and eventually into  California it is here where they began establish racial hierarchy with the present racial “other”.  In his book Racial Fault Lines: The Historical Origins of White Supremacy in California Tomas Almaguer describes this phenomena and provides documentation of the vast complexities that go into constructing race as an organizing tool for social standing and societal privilege.
The ideas Almaguer invokes in his book hold true for white supremacists around the world, notions of manifest destiny, and god given privilege are attitudes reflected by white supremacists at all levels.  All of these notions boil down to the basic belief that whiteness is supreme and anything contradictory to whiteness (colored) is deemed inferior and subjected to discrimination and in certain circles removal from white society.  The book specifically discusses how race can be used as a mechanism in society to grant white privilege over the racial “other”.  White Supremacists still use race as a tool to criminalize and dehumanize racial minorities. On a global scale we see racialized structures established in colonial times in South Africa. Similar to America these racialized establishments lead each nation down a long path of civil rights dispute and continuing class warfare.  
This blog has previously noted the results of institutionalized racism, as they represent a time in a nations history in which white supremacist ideals reigned on a national level.  These systematic racial structures legitimize and provide a template for contemporary white nationalist attitudes. The progress made to erase institutionalized racism serves as ammunition for white nationalist rhetoric as it represents the free fall into mongrelization and the end of white racial purity.  Out of this progress we see the continued establishment of racially motivated extremist groups as a means of presenting resistance to racial equality.  In conclusion Almaguer’s book provides observers with a detailed look at how white supremacist attitudes began to develop and how they still permeate society today.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Stormfront: Fear at Wholesale Prices

The above attached video and picture are both media from a white nationalist discussion forum. I found the video as well as the image from a thread on the forum entitled “ White Genocide in South Africa”, the notion of genocide in relation to whiteness is very popular in white nationalist rhetoric.  South Africa provides an interesting perspective on this notion of genocide due to the demographics within their borders. South Africa is a nation of 50 million people,  in 2010 the government mid-year estimates showed that South Africa is 79% black African while only 9% white.  These statistics make South Africa a symbolic front for the war against white genocide in the white nationalist imagination.  The video above shows extremely graphic images of white murder and assault victims, supposedly perpetrated by the hands of black Africans.  The video offers no conclusive evidence as to who is actually guilty of these crimes, but constant rhetorical warnings throughout the video appear on screen to further implicate black Africans as those responsible.
The most interesting thing about this video is not the video itself but rather the surrounding content from the forum members, and furthermore how the ideologies being discussed relate to the white nationalist psyche in America.  Most all of the comments are centered around this notion of “white genocide” and the immenent extinction of the white race in South Africa.  Those commenting use this white genocide in South Africa as a warning to fellow white nations around the world, stating that multiculturalism and integration will inevitably lead to the conceivable end of “whiteness”.  One forum user posted a quote by Keven Alfred Strom that reflects this mindset:  
“If you tolerate multiracialism, then your children will suffer and die. That is not hyperbole. It is a rational and well-substantiated extrapolation, based on the known facts and current trends. It is a prediction that is already coming true.”

This idea of the racial “other” destroying white culture and eliminating a future for white children is a perspective that is very popular in white nationalist discourse.  Forum users continue to comment on this “genocide” and even provide cause as to why the rest of the industrialized world is not acknowledging it as such.  Users echo notions of political correctness and how political correctness does not allow national leaders to intervene on the behalf of white South Africans. And of course the Jewish community is behind the political correctness movement, thus preventing white genocide from becoming a noticed issue. Outside of political correctness  many of the users cite immigration as the key issue in white genocide, this is especially true for South Africa as they have some of the higher immigration statistics in the modernized world. User “MattwhiteAmerica” displays this perspective:
Words of warning---The same thing that has occurred throughout Hati and Africa will be occurring within the UK, France, Norway, sweden, within the next 100 years if whites don't wake up. I promise you if our governments keep importing them into our lands, much like south Africa, the future is the same.

This post embodies one of most prominent rhetorical devices for a white nationalist: fear.  Throughout this forum and specifically this thread users are selling fear at wholesale prices, attempting to scare fellow white people that their livelihood will soon be threatened by the ever expanding racial “other”.