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Monday, October 3, 2011

Stormfront: Fear at Wholesale Prices

The above attached video and picture are both media from a white nationalist discussion forum. I found the video as well as the image from a thread on the forum entitled “ White Genocide in South Africa”, the notion of genocide in relation to whiteness is very popular in white nationalist rhetoric.  South Africa provides an interesting perspective on this notion of genocide due to the demographics within their borders. South Africa is a nation of 50 million people,  in 2010 the government mid-year estimates showed that South Africa is 79% black African while only 9% white.  These statistics make South Africa a symbolic front for the war against white genocide in the white nationalist imagination.  The video above shows extremely graphic images of white murder and assault victims, supposedly perpetrated by the hands of black Africans.  The video offers no conclusive evidence as to who is actually guilty of these crimes, but constant rhetorical warnings throughout the video appear on screen to further implicate black Africans as those responsible.
The most interesting thing about this video is not the video itself but rather the surrounding content from the forum members, and furthermore how the ideologies being discussed relate to the white nationalist psyche in America.  Most all of the comments are centered around this notion of “white genocide” and the immenent extinction of the white race in South Africa.  Those commenting use this white genocide in South Africa as a warning to fellow white nations around the world, stating that multiculturalism and integration will inevitably lead to the conceivable end of “whiteness”.  One forum user posted a quote by Keven Alfred Strom that reflects this mindset:  
“If you tolerate multiracialism, then your children will suffer and die. That is not hyperbole. It is a rational and well-substantiated extrapolation, based on the known facts and current trends. It is a prediction that is already coming true.”

This idea of the racial “other” destroying white culture and eliminating a future for white children is a perspective that is very popular in white nationalist discourse.  Forum users continue to comment on this “genocide” and even provide cause as to why the rest of the industrialized world is not acknowledging it as such.  Users echo notions of political correctness and how political correctness does not allow national leaders to intervene on the behalf of white South Africans. And of course the Jewish community is behind the political correctness movement, thus preventing white genocide from becoming a noticed issue. Outside of political correctness  many of the users cite immigration as the key issue in white genocide, this is especially true for South Africa as they have some of the higher immigration statistics in the modernized world. User “MattwhiteAmerica” displays this perspective:
Words of warning---The same thing that has occurred throughout Hati and Africa will be occurring within the UK, France, Norway, sweden, within the next 100 years if whites don't wake up. I promise you if our governments keep importing them into our lands, much like south Africa, the future is the same.

This post embodies one of most prominent rhetorical devices for a white nationalist: fear.  Throughout this forum and specifically this thread users are selling fear at wholesale prices, attempting to scare fellow white people that their livelihood will soon be threatened by the ever expanding racial “other”.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! How does this compare to discourse in U.S.? What does this teach us about white nationalists in other locations?
