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Monday, November 21, 2011

From Russia with Hate.

People are not born with hate, it is not something we acquire from our genetic compositions, it is not passed down biologically through our parents or other relatives, hatred, is learned.  Reading the Frank Meeink story one begins to get a feel for how hatred is indoctrinated into the youth of the world.  Frank Meeink’s story is not singular to disenfranchised American youth, white nationalists across the globe indoctrinate young people into the movement and fill them with hate. This unyielding hatred for those who are different than you serves as the main catalyst for the white nationalist movement, and it is with this hatred that the movement brainwashes young people to commit horrific unprovoked acts of violence in hopes of destructing multiculturalism and ensuring a future for the white race.

The above video displays this hatred in Russia, the same hatred was shared by Frank Meeink and his American counterparts.  Watching the clip detailing the Russian Neo-Nazi movement it was easy to see the similarities between what is going on in Russia and how Frank Meeink was in America.  In both instances the main perpetrators of violence were the youngest members of the group, older members prey on the youths insecurities and ignorance to the world,  the leaders of these groups use the hate that the youth already feel, and channel it  towards people of color and Jewish descent.  The groups provide a face, and a target for these young people to channel their  hatred and aggression towards a world that has treated them unfairly.  

Frank Meeink was not raised to hate blacks, Hispanics, Asians, homosexuals, and Jews. Frank Meeink was raised to hate himself, between the neglect of his parents, the constant beatings from his step father, and the overall culture of violence Frank was raised in he was destined to hate.  Frank began to feel this hatred at a young age,  not towards tangible ideals or people but towards the world.  His cousin and other members of the movement used the hatred in Franks life to convert him into their world of hate, indoctrinating him into a place where hate is cherished and celebrated, showing Frank that hate is okay to feel, and more importantly hate is okay to act upon.

This same indoctrination that Frank went through exists across the globe. Frank and his crew made a name for themselves from committing random and unprovoked acts of violence, violence almost exactly the same as the violence shown in the clip.  The video clip displays a random attack on a minority in Russia which subsequently resulted in the mans death, yet another victim of the senseless hatred in which the white nationalist movement has used to transform children into race warriors.

It is with this senseless hatred that we as a global community can find our solution.  Without hatred the white nationalist movement cannot exist, Frank Meeink showed us this when he left the movement.  Once he lost his hate and became friends with his fellow black inmates his world changed.  I am not saying the removal of hatred will come easy, but Frank Meeink gives the world hope, he displays the common denominator that unites all white nationalists.  With collective hatred the movement is united, without collective hatred they are simply individuals.

Remove the hate, stop the violence, end the movement.

1 comment:

  1. do you think that the hate is exported out from Russia? Do you think that there is a way to stop the spread of hate through education and other means of enlightenment?
